I love data, especially when it comes to data that can tell a story. I was looking at my github account and wondering whether I could see a pattern in the times that I make my commits. Naturally, I was curious and pulled up my punchcard.
By looking at my punchcard, what type of job do you think I have? Can you guess?
I noticed a few trends:
- The most obvious one is that I am not a morning coder and my commits generally don’t start appearing until around 10AM.
- I clearly work seven days a week.
- My work day does not end at 5PM.
- I generally try to wrap up whatever I am working on by 5PM. This is especially true from Wednesday – Friday.
- I work the least on a Saturday.
- On Thursday and Friday I tend to work even later than earlier in the week. My guess is that I’m trying my best to finish what I am working on before the weekend comes. Generally on the weekend I tend to add some polish on whatever I released during the week. So that tends to be more fun coding with less heavy lifting.
- Monday and Tuesday I tend to work way past 5PM. My guess is that I’m eager to get going at what I’m coding and after the weekend I’m a bit more refreshed.
- When it comes to a Saturday night I tend to code the latest. So much for partying. Boy, I’m such a geek.
Some things you may not know. I work for myself and run my own company called FantasySP. Hopefully by my commits, you’ll notice that I am dedicated to the project. As the sole employee, I feel the pinch to get things done.
Is my commit pattern different than yours? Does your day job force you to have a much different schedule? Do salary developers work seven days a week as well?
I encourage everyone to write about their own punchcards.