
My Summer Side Project

Last year, around the same time, I decided to create a summer side project to give my brain a rest from the same old.  I love working on FantasySP, but even I have to take a break from the 24/7 grind.

So I decided to set aside some time for a fun side project called Top IAmA.  Basically, it collects IAmA’s from Reddit and repurposes them in a more readable format.  You can also browse these IAmA’s by category.

It’s been growing ever since with a nice loyal fanbase. I was thinking of redesigning Top IAmA this summer and base it on Boostrap so the mobile/tablet experience is more enjoyable.  I probably still will at some point.

But for now, I have a new Summer Project idea.

This summer project is more involved and a lot more challenging. The domain has been bought as of 20 minutes ago.  I can’t say specifically what the project will be, but I will say that it involves a very popular Google service.

My hope is that it will go live at some point this Summer or early Fall.  Stay Tuned.

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